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Lunch | ||||||||
Dinner |
FT = holiday
Ranking with rating and award
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | GreenStar | 14,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XX+ | 13,0 |
Falstaff "points" | 88-89 | 16,0 |
Varta "startip" | diamnt | 11,1 |
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
World Ranking
Place 5715 World ranking
Place 721 Ranking Germany
Ranking portals (USER)
Tripadvisor USER | oooo+ | 18,0 |
World Ranking (PRO)
14.33 good
World Ranking (USER)
Gourmet Club rankings
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | GreenStar | 14,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XX | 12,0 |
Falstaff "points" | 88-89 | 16,0 |
Varta "startip" | diamnt | 11,1 |
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | reference | 11,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XX | 12,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | diamnt | 11,1 |
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | reference | 11,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | diamnt | 11,1 |
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | reference | 11,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | diamnt | 11,1 |
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | reference | 11,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | reference | 11,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | X+ | 11,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | ||
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | ||
Falstaff "points" | ||
Varta "startip" | ||
Slow Food | GF Siegel | 13,0 |
Restaurant critics
Conclusion: Bei den Fisch- und Fleischgerichten waren zwar die Ausgangsprodukte von sehr guter Qualität. Auch waren sie korrekt zu bereitet, das heißt gut gegart, mit vernünftig getroffenem Garpunkt. Aber eine Schwäche zieht sich für mich vom Altrheinwels bis zum Rinderfilet durchs Menü: Die Saucen sind zu dünn und ausdrucksschwach. Read more...