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Restaurant review

Fabian, Cologne

Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Forum

"Marvin Bruditz's kitchen style is not over-the-top and doesn't want to be, because it wouldn't fit in here."

Restaurant Fabian, Cologne

"We enjoyed the evening. The clever limitation in both the number and composition of the dishes leaves nothing to be desired. Careful craftsmanship and well thought-out combinations also contribute to this. Here and there, for example in the salmon trout sashimi, I feel there is still room for improvement, but that is a matter of taste and does not spoil the overall impression. Marvin Bruditz's cooking style is not over-the-top and doesn't want to be, because it wouldn't fit in here. There is perhaps room for improvement in the modest wine list, which mainly lists simpler qualities. On the other hand, hardly a bottle breaks the 40 euro mark, which fits in with the concept. And that, as it stands, is simply coherent." (Published in May 2024) 

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