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"Bergisch Avantgarde" in Landhaus Spatzenhof

4 Chefs with stars celebrate their love of the Bergisch Region

WERMELSKIRCHEN. "A kitchen party with colleagues is something very special as you are chef and host at the same time.“ The event organised by chef Philipp Wolter*, a native of north Germany, carried the motto of "Bergisch Aventgarde" and caused his friends top chefs Nils Henkel** from Bergisch Gladbach (Gourmetrestaurant Lerbach), Ulrich Heldmann* from Remscheid (Heldmann's Restaurant) and Christopher Wilbrand* from Odenthal (Zur Post) to put in an appearance at his Spatzenhof. Their close relationship to the Bergisch Region, their love of their profession and their enthusiasm for for local products along with their handling, preparation and refinement are what bonds them. "At the kitchen party we will be bringing our individual styles of cooking together for an evening - and that is what makes it so exciting for our guests."

Due to the huge number of reservations a date has already been found for a repeat next year: 16th March 2014. Two colleagues have already agreed to come and it will be difficult to wait to find out what motto will be chosen at Spatzenhof!

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