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Guide Michelin 2024

Munich: Mountain Hub Gourmet

Reaktion Ein Stern

"So well deserved! Congratulations to our Head Chef Marcel Tauschek"

"So well deserved! We would like to congratulate our head chef Marcel Tauschek and his entire kitchen team and, of course, host Karim Zarif and the service crew on receiving another award.
A star for our Mountain Hub Gourmet for the third time in a row - what an achievement! Our location is certainly not the typical one for a starred restaurant. We are all the more delighted that the idea of offering creative, modern and, above all, regional and sustainable top cuisine for Munich, the region and guests from all over the world at an airport works.

Now it's time to celebrate ... the crew is enjoying their Easter holiday, so the celebrations can be quite extensive. And then we'll put the new plaques next to the entrance door!"

Cornelia Brinkman, General Manager Hilton Munich Airport

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