Neustadt (Weinstraße) (Germany)
Neustadt (Weinstraße) (Germany)
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Permanently closed
Menue 5 Gänge 120,- € - je weiterer gang 20,- €
Ranking with rating and award
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 16,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
World Ranking
Place 3718 World ranking
Place 417 Ranking Germany
Ranking portals (USER)
Tripadvisor USER | oooo | 15,0 |
World Ranking (PRO)
15.67 very good
World Ranking (USER)
Gourmet Club rankings
Kitchen and service team
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
GaultMillau "toques" | t+ | 14,0 |
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 16,0 |
Falstaff "points" | 88-89 | 16,0 |
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | t+ | 14,0 |
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FF+ | 15,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 16,0 |
Falstaff "points" | 88-89 | 16,0 |
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FF+ | 15,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 16,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FF+ | 15,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 16,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FF+ | 15,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 16,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
4/5 (excellent)
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 7/10 | 16,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FF+ | 15,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX | 15,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hh | 12,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k&s | 15,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 6/10 | 14,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FF+ | 15,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX | 15,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hh | 12,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k | 14,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 6/10 | 14,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX | 15,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hh | 12,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k | 14,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 8/10 | 17,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FFF | 16,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XX+ | 13,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hhh | 15,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k | 14,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 8/10 | 17,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | FFF | 16,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XX+ | 13,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | hh | 12,0 |
Varta "startip" | tip k | 14,3 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "toques" | ||
Gusto "pans" | 8/10 | 17,0 |
Feinschmecker "points" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XX+ | 13,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
Grosser Guide | ||
Varta "startip" |
Restaurant and gourmet news
Restaurant critics
Conclusion: Eigentlich war das ganze Menü ein einziges Ausrufezeichen – geschmackvolle Gerichte von Anfang bis Ende, technisch ohne Makel, die alle das Attribut lecker verdienen und umkompliziert zu genießen sind. Dazu passt auch die Erklärung, dass man sich weitestgehend von flachen Tellern verabschiedet hat, um genau das zu ermöglichen: mit dem Löffel durch das Essen durcharbeiten, ohne Gebrauchsanleitung, aber mit großem Genussfaktor. Hat funktioniert und mich sehr, sehr glücklich gemacht. Ein paar Essen kommen dieses Jahr zwar noch, aber bis hierher war dieses Menü auf jeden Fall in den TOP 3 des Jahres. Respekt dafür und danke! Read more...
Positive: Große Ambitionen, gute Ideen
Negative: Es fehlt in Teilen noch etwas an der aromatischen Präzision.
Conclusion: Mein Bericht steht hier: