IGNIV by Andreas Caminada
St. Moritz (Switzerland)
St. Moritz (Switzerland)
Please consider: This restaurant is currently closed.
Badrutt's Palace
Address: Via Serlas 27,
7500 St. Moritz
Phone: 0041 (81) 837 2822
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Permanently closed
Ranking with rating and award
This restaurant has not yet received any ratings from professional restaurant guides this year.
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ||
GaultMillau "points" | ||
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | ||
Guide Bleu "points" | 08/10 | 17,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
La Liste |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱✱ | 18,5 |
GaultMillau "points" | 17 | 17,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXXX | 18,0 |
Guide Bleu "points" | 08/10 | 17,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
La Liste |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱✱ | 18,5 |
GaultMillau "points" | 17 | 17,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 17,0 |
Guide Bleu "points" | 08/10 | 17,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
La Liste | 80-84/100 | 17,0 |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱✱ | 18,5 |
GaultMillau "points" | 17 | 17,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 17,0 |
Guide Bleu "points" | 08/10 | 17,0 |
Falstaff "points" | 90-92 | 16,5 |
La Liste |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "points" | 17 | 17,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | XXX+ | 17,0 |
Guide Bleu "points" | 08/10 | 17,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
La Liste |
Volkenborn ranking
Restaurant guide (PRO)
Michelin "stars" | ✱ | 17,0 |
GaultMillau "points" | 16 | 16,0 |
Schlemmer Atlas "spoon" | ||
Guide Bleu "points" | 08/10 | 17,0 |
Falstaff "points" | ||
La Liste |
Restaurant and gourmet news
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